Why Plant a Church?

Aren’t there enough churches? Why start another one?

To bring hope to the hopeless.

That was me (Greg).  At 12 years old, my family had suffered divorce two times, my sister and I fought constantly, and I felt unwanted and like a failure. I struggled to find a reason to go on, I mean… Why? I didn’t think that it would or even could get better so I considered suicide. Until the moment at a church Jesus stepped into my life and intervened. It was in Jesus that I found all that my soul was longing for. What I felt was hope. There is a hope that is found in Jesus that goes beyond anything that this world can offer and that is why new churches are important. There are people all around us who are struggling with loneliness, hopelessness, brokenness, and struggling to find their identity in this world and Jesus offers us an answer. He offers us relationship, hope, healing and wholeness, and a place in the family of God.  That’s why we are planting The Well Church, so everyday broken people, just like me, can find the hope that only Jesus gives. That’s what we are about, leading people to hope by loving them like Jesus.


To reach people other churches aren’t.

Do you remember the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Goldilocks struck out a couple times before finding that perfect fit. The truth is that each church has its strengths and its weaknesses and each church will appeal to some people more than others. Our desire is to do our best to be a church that reaches a new group of people that either haven’t quite found the church for them and to connect people with Jesus that other churches haven’t been able to. Our church won’t be for everyone but The Well may be the perfect place for you.

To raise up new leaders.

When a new church is starting it comes with a lot of opportunities for God to raise up leaders for His Glory. People who may have been sitting the bench or just going through the motions may find themselves being challenged to grow and develop into a leader. In Jesus’s ministry He chose some people who weren’t exactly leadership material and invested in them. By the time the church really began to form, those same guys who weren’t ideal candidates were now turning the world upside down! We believe that starting this new church is an opportunity to raise up and develop new leaders who can help change one person’s world at a time.  Are you one of these new leaders? We’d love to get to know you!